In the beginning of 2013 and after a series of preparatory meetings, the founding meeting and thus also the first general meeting …
BürgerEnergieRheinMain eG
The BürgerEnergieRheinMain eG originated from an initial workshop within the municipality in 2012. Three months later, the …
Bürger Energie Region Regensburg eG
Bürger Energie Region Regensburg eG was founded in 2012 and has set itself the goal of offering citizens of the city and district …
Bürgerenergiegenossenschaft Freisinger Land eG
The Bürgerenergiegenossenschaft Freisinger Land eG was founded in 2012 and has steadily expanded its citizen owned power plant …
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Green Planet Energy eG
After the liberalization of the European electricity market in 1998, Greenpeace e. V. was looking for an energy supplier that …
EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG
The EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG (since 2009 a registered cooperative) emerged from a citizens' initiative which, after the …