How to use the get active section of this blueprint:
To adapt the get active section of this blueprint, some hints might be helpful:
- “How to get started”: This section informs people on steps they should take to start a new energy community project. It also acts as a kind of navigational tool forthe gateway, which is why we recommend including links to as many sub-pages of the gateway as possible.
- “Get support”: Identify and select the most important contact points in your country, where users of the gateway can get further information.
- “Connect with others”: This part of the gateway should help to find other people that are also active in the field of energy communities. You can include links to dedicated groups in social media, e.g., Facebook or YouTube. You can also include some meaningful hashtags which users can use to identify information in social media. Do you have a chat forum in your country? Just include it here. You may also include links to other energy communities (if they are not yet included as best practices).
Steps to get the get active section ready to go online:
- Adapt the how to get started section to your national circumstances. Add or delete steps according to the needs in your country.
- Collect and select information for the “Get support” and “Connect with others” sections and include it in the gateway.
- Delete this “How to use” page 🙂 (or set if offline)