The platform offers information material on cooperatives and energy cooperatives and provides detailed material on how to fund a …
The website gives all the necessary information if someone is interested in planning and implementing an electrical mobility …
The calculation tool helps to find out the potential for solar energy of a building. Further calculations seem necessary, but the …
The website includes tools and information for people and municipalities interested in heating. Besides a …
The calculation tool helps to determine the potential for solar energy of a building. Further calculations seem necessary, but the …
Regionale Wertschöpfung aus erneuerbaren Energien
The document offers examples of regionally added values from renewable energy projects and the underlying financial and technical …
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Kommunale Wertschöpfung durch Klimaschutz
The document offers examples of regionally added values from renewable energy projects and the underlying financial and technical …
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Energy communities – where to start?
Webinar held by a representative of Green Energy Cooperative where all the important steps and barriers were presented on the …
Online Wertschöpfungsrechner
The tool calculates the added value in a municipality or community. It focuses on renewable energy, but also on economic …
Energia naturalis solar calculator
The calculator provides information on how much you can save by installing a solar power plant on your roof. After all requested …
E.on solar calculator
The tool for calculates the service of setting up a home solar power plant and estimates the solar potential. After all requested …
The tool permits the user to calculate their own CO2-emissions, with very detailed aspects related to personal …
My energy, my freedom
The handbook for the installation of small PV plants on private houses provides information with 10 steps on how to implement a PV …
Solar club Facebook group
A public Facebook group for all solar enthusiasts, owners of solar power plants and those who want to become one. The group is …
UBA Carbon Calculator
The tool calculates the CO2-emissions of users. It provides future scenarios and a separated display of different sources of …
On the sunny side platform
The platform offers turn-key solutions for the implementation of PV plants - from access to all relevant information, preparation …
Solar Estates
Solar Estates is the first specialised platform for investments in the RES parks and purchasing of suitable properties. It …
ACT4ECO is a dynamic knowledge-sharing platform facilitating knowledge for consumers on how to use energy efficiently. The …
Interactive tool and data collection about German municipalities' energy consumption and emissions. Additional data and graphics …
CO2online StromCheck
With the tool, consumers and households can get an overview of the biggest sources and sectors of CO2 emissions. It includes three …
Árajánlat kérés
Request a solar panel offer from one of the 300 member companies of MNNSZ by filling in the form. By filling in the form, the best …
Napelem árajánlat
One can receive PV installation offers easily, from all over Hungary, at the push of a button. It is available for companies, …
CO2 Indicator Calculator
The CO2 indicator calculator can be used to estimate the amount of CO2 that can be reduced by installing a photovoltaic system. …
Energy Neighbourhoods
The programme organised by EON and Green Dependent Institution is a community competition where communities of families/households …
Photovoltaic self-consumption calculator
The photovoltaic self-consumption calculator provides information for a planned photovoltaic system on how and to what extent the …
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Renovation of buildings to near-zero energy levels with innovative financing methods -Decision support tool
It provides information on the renovation of near-zero energy buildings through innovative financing methods such as …
Photovoltaic calculator
The main goal of this report is to support different actors in the preparation of heat/cold supply contracts. Emphasis is placed … distribution tool offers a source code to clearly allocate generation and consumption in the energy community. The option "dynamic …
PowerFund (in HU)
PowerFund is a web-based tool to help energy poor citizens across Europe identify and learn about collective innovative actions to …
Quick Check for short range query
After entering their metering point number, this website provides consumers with information on the transformer station or …
Information distribution grid area EKG
After entering their address on this website, interested people receive the information to which distribution grid level their …
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How to renovate public buildings to nearly-zero energy? Step by step guide
The guide aims to help local authorities (mainly HU, SLO, HR) understand and implement the renovation process. It describes the …
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Sample contracts ebUtilities
This website provides, among other things, sample contracts between grid operators and the energy community for operation and grid … supports initiatives that are interested in establishing a renewable energy community. In addition to free basic …, savings calculator offers an online calculator that households can use to estimate the total savings in their electricity costs in a …
REC guide for communities
The REC guidebook for communities concisely summarises the most important information on the topic of renewable energy communities …
Benefit tools for REC
The Benefit Tool can be used to estimate the economic viability of a renewable energy community with photovoltaic systems (with …
Model contracts for REC
The Austrian Coordination Office for Energy Communities website provides sample statutes for associations, a supply agreement, and …
Six steps towards an energy community (REC)
This website briefly describes the important steps to implement a renewable energy community. The steps here go from the idea …
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