Make a smart and sustainable choice!
Investing in renewable energy & energy efficiency projects and taking part in citizen-driven energy action means that …
… you become more independent of energy price fluctuations
In an energy community, members enter into a contract in which they agree on internal energy prices. For example, they could agree on stable prices that are set to cover the costs of installations and administration and do not fluctuate with the energy market. This gives all members (producers and consumers) price stability and security, so they know what economic factors to expect in the following years.
… you reduce your energy costs – it pays off to join an energy community
Collectively investing in renewable energy or energy efficiency measures reduce costs for individuals, e.g. by establishing a purchasing group for green power, insulation material, PV panels, etc. Furthermore, once installed or implemented, these measures save costs by either helping you consume less energy or by generating energy yourself. Investments in energy efficiency measures and renewable nowadays have an amazingly short amortisation period (they usually pay off within a few years).
… you take advantage of the financial support now available – seize the moment
Currently, there are a whole range of financial schemes to support energy efficiency measures, renewable technologies, and energy communities/collective actions.
[Research and name relevant current support measures that apply to your target group]
At EU level: ____
At national level: ____
At regional level: ____
At municipal level: ____
… you increase the value of your own property by investing in green energy
More and more people want the option of becoming energy-independent. An energy-efficient home with a renewable energy generation device installed makes it future-proof for the next generation and more attractive to potential buyers.
… you can be sure of the value of your (sustainable) investment and expect a secure return
By investing in renewables/energy efficiency measures, you can contribute to climate protection and secure the value of your savings. Especially in view of the currently very high energy prices, they offer you a high return on your investment. As a prosumer, you secure your access to green energy.